What is my emerging technology?
My emerging technology is the PDA. It is short for 'personal digital assistant'. It is a handheld device that combine computing, fax, telephone, and networking features. PDA's are also called Palmtops and pocket computers.
Where will it be used and kept safely?
It can either be kept with the students to keep good care of it, or either in a store where the teachers can keep it safe. The Samsung PDA's have specific covers to prevent them from any scratches or damages [ Shown in picture below ] .
Who will be able to use the technology?
Both students and teachers can use this technology during classes and also after for homework or any checking the teachers would like to do.
Who can they depend on keeping the PDA's safe?
They can either depend on teachers to keep them in store somewhere or with the students so they use them while doing school work at home. The chargers that come with them can be kept in a safe room at the school so the students dont tend to lose them.
What can the PDA replace?
PDA's can replace computers since they have networking connection. They can be used in emails, homework, data keeping etc. They can also replace mobile phones, but i don't think that it would be a good thing to have PDA's with the telephone application.
What is the purpose of having them for education ?
They can keep us organized with out work since it has a planner and calender to go with it. This can help the students with organizing their work and keeping their data saved in order to keep good track of deadlines or specific work.
How does it help the school and the people in it ?
It can help them learn from the networking connection ( Internet ) , and can organize the students work. PDA's are useful before,during and after school. What is the advantages and disadvantages of this technology?
Where can we find the technology?
You can find these PDA's in Qatar. It is found in any Samsung shop. You can also order them from out of the country, for example from the USA.
How much does it cost?
A Samsung i780 triband 3G PDA costs 2500 QR with 11 months on warranty.
What are the benefits of this technology?
I think the students can benefit more by learning about technology. The PDA can also organize their activities, homework, assessments, attendances etc.
Why would it be suitable for the sch

I think this is very suitable for the school, since if there is someone that needs some help in his/hers grades or organization skills, this can really make a change in them and help them alot.
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